
The Profits Premium Paradigm

COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE GOOD-BYE TO GOODWILL, HELLO PROFITS PREMIUM How Goodwill is really math, how Staff can really be assets, and why normal Accounting reports make managers cannibalize their own future profits. (or, more formally) THE PROFITS PREMIUM PARADIGM A revision of the nature of ‘Goodwill’ can lead to modified accounting reports and create new ways to understand and manage assets, profit and value Andrew J. Olsen , August 4, 2012 Abstract: The insight that “Our Staff are our greatest asset” or at least an asset of some kind is contradicted by conventional accounting reports.   Staff do not appear under ‘Assets’ in the Balance Sheet and are purely an expense in the Profit and Loss (P&L).   Firing Staff even improves Net Profit (NP) because it reduces expenses in relation to revenue.   This paradigm does not facilitate an asset management approach to Staff and can even lead them to be seen as a necessary evil.

Other Business Products/ Services by Andrew Olsen A scientifically proven method of predicting future profits from staff ratings of their work/ supervisory relationships, with the capacity to determine Return-On-Investment for addressing each aspect of these relationships, in discreet dollar figures. Leadership by Design A Leadership Development Program I've run in scores of settings many scores of times with many hundreds of managers and university students/ post grads. Matrix Coaching System An academically proven coaching system for staff at all levels, often taught and trained as part of the above LDP. The Complexity Test A mathematically superior Recruitment and Selecting Screening Instrument - in process. Consulting, Workshops and Facilitation Contact me re consulting, workflow design, workplace conflict, planning days, and facilitation services.